IMG_1343You might think current world events would be enough to bring down even an eternal optimist. You would be wrong.

It isn’t that I’n not bothered by horrific things happening in the Middle East. I’m aghast at man’s brutality to man. And to child. I take seriously the scary statistics about how soon people with these radical lifestyles could actually become the majority in many nations.

I consider these things, and I pray about them. And, I try to make good decisions in the day-to-day scariness of normal life. But, I am not depressed about the state of the world or the outlook of our future.

Because, I know how the story ends. I don’t know when. And I don’t know how. But I know someday God really will remove all evil. He will take out all the bad guys and leave behind only those who want to live in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Then, “man who is of the earth will cause terror no more.” Psalm 10:18

God gave us a foreshadowing of this when the people of Israel found themselves trapped between a deep sea and a raging army. No way out. No hope of escape. But God told them to “stand still and watch.” Because He was about to wipe out the enemy in one giant wave.

“And you will see them no more forever.”

Maybe He won’t drown all the suicide bombers or ISIS fighters. Maybe He will convert them. But, either way, God will win.

And we will see the bad guys no more. Forever.