bootsDeathtoStock_NotStockI am one of those strange people who likes to look for the original meaning in a holiday and do something to mark the occasion in it’s traditional spirit. Sometimes, the roots are far removed from today’s fruit. (The first Memorial Day had nothing to do with barbecues and door-busting-sales.)

But, do you know why we have Labor Day? To celebrate labor. You can look up the history, which is rather bloody to tell you the truth, and highly political. But, in the end, it is still simply a celebration of men and women who work.

In honor of America’s great work force, I’d like to suggest a couple of things for your reading pleasure:

The first is a book. You won’t have time for the whole thing today, but I suggest you check it out from your local library or buy it wherever fine books are sold. You will want time to digest it. I’ve mentioned it before on this blog. God at Work by Gene Edward Veith, Jr.

If you’ve ever struggled between your “spiritual calling” and your “earthly vocation”, this book will set you free. The author shows us how the Creator who planted the Garden of Eden means for every job  to be part of the works He created beforehand for us to do. He proves that changing diapers is just as holy as leading crusades in Africa. Maybe more so.

And then, if you missed Ryan Long’s post this week on becoming a Lion Tamer, please take time to read it right now. You will be empowered. I promise you, this essay will prepare you to face the work week like a boss. Even if you are one.

Now, here’s to all the farmers, doctors, nurses, firemen, police officers, retail clerks, waitstaff, housekeepers, mothers, fathers, bus drivers, ticket-takers, entertainers, artists, shopkeepers, and workers in a zillion other places who didn’t get the day off today.

Thanks for keeping the world running for the rest of us.