On Behalf of a Grateful Nation

Veteran’s Day. Armistice Day. Choose your title for these 24 hours where we honor those who have sacrificed so much for our nation. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and women, guardsmen and women, and marines. Plus the family members they left behind. Sometimes...

The Real Lovers’ Leap

  Grandpa Jim sat at the lunch table with us at the local cafĂ© one afternoon. He had lost his sweet wife not long before, and the sadness still showed in his smile. But, that day, he told us he was thinking of paying a call on a widow in our community. His eyes...

Rolling Back Time

The first Saturday night in November is traditionally something of a party. We stay up a smidgen later, because we know the clock will roll back at 2:00am, and everyone will get an extra hour of sleep. Unless you have small children who will now rise at 4:00am. Or...

How Quarantine is Like a Snow Day

You know that feeling. Whether you are a kid listening for the radio announcement or an office worker waiting for the email. “Snow Day!” No school. No work. No anything that moves. It doesn’t happen often for most adults, but around here, we can...

Let’s Add the Color

The trees of autumn 2020 are letting me down. That is no surprise. Instead of turning to rich golds, reds, and yellows, the leaves around us are turning brown, curling up, and dropping to the ground in surrender. Or defeat. My husband says it has nothing to do with...