Why I Write

Welcome to Writer Wednesday.   One of the basic questions professionals like to ask newbies is this: So, why do you write? The answers are as unique as the folks replying. But, here are three of the most common reasons. I write because I want to be rich. Nobody...

Happy May Day this Week

Surely, we are done with snow in the Midwest. May Day is upon us. You, dear reader, may wish to do your own Google search and learn all the interesting facts about this holiday which is not celebrated as it should be in my part of the country. The leaving of May...

So, You Want to be a Writer

Welcome to a new column featured on my blog. The Wednesday Writer answers some of the questions readers ask about the writing process in general and writing for publication, specifically.    The first time I walked into a bookstore to buy a Writers’ Market,...

How to Clean a Closet

Step One: Take everything out and lay it on a flat surface for inspection. Step Two: Toss obvious items such as the Welcome Kit for a medication used fifteen years ago. Step Three: Arrange like items together and place in storage containers re-purposed from adjoining...

Three Things I Don’t Do

  I don’t bake cookies. When people ask me how I have time to write blogs, newspaper columns, articles, and books while also holding together a day job, that is my answer. “I don’t bake cookies.” In fact, I sometimes don’t even cook...