by Kathy Nickerson | Jan 9, 2018 | mercy
I didn’t set out to play the One Word game this year. I wasn’t interested in choosing a word for my 2018 focus. But, the word rather found me. During the first few days of January, I caught myself fretting. “Did the grandkids like what we got...
by Kathy Nickerson | Dec 27, 2017 | mercy
One of our grandchildren became ecstatic the year he realized that Christmas comes again. Every year! What a revelation. After more than sixty Christmases, I still remind myself of that when I’m packing away the decorations. Don’t be sad, it will come...
by Kathy Nickerson | Dec 22, 2017 | mercy
Hello, Dear Reader. In case you are feeling a bit Grinchy from all the last minute shopping, wrapping, cooking, and cleaning (not to mention the tasks of daily life) I’m reposting a little video I did last year for Christmas Eve. Grab some hot chocolate, turn on...
by Kathy Nickerson | Dec 19, 2017 | mercy
You may not share my love of all things bright and twinkly. But please consider these three reasons why we might need a few more Christmas lights this year. One: Because winter is dark. I’m writing at my day job while I wait for the last patients to be...
by Kathy Nickerson | Dec 11, 2017 | mercy
Life on this side of eternity doesn’t always have a Frank Capra ending. (If you haven’t seen Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life”, I give you permission to bookmark this blog, go watch the movie, and come back later. It is that good.)...