My Blog
Let’s Celebrate Pi Day with Pie!
A holiday devoted to math. What an idea. Plus, it is celebrated on Albert Einstein's birthday. March 14th is significant in the life of Pi. If you want to understand it more, here is an interesting link. Everything you need to know about Pi Day If you would rather...
Today, We Played Ball
The taxes are due soon. I can't find the last receipt that needs to be verified, listed, and attached. Towels need folding, and the floor is in desperate need of a sweep. And a mop. This pile of miscellany in my office must find a home or be tossed in the trash. The...
Tell Your Story
"I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us. Isaiah 63:7 (NIV) According to statistics, over one billion children's fiction books were sold in 2020. Other sources may give different...
Number One Gift for 2023
Ten years ago, I wrote a post about the Top Ten Most Romantic gifts my husband has ever given me. The List hasn't changed much. This year, we have added one of the best gifts ever, though - Time. After nearly fifty years in medicine, Wendell has come home. At least...
Today We Celebrate
If my mother-in-law still lived on earth, I'd probably send her flowers today. I did that once on this date. And I included a card thanking her for giving birth to her youngest son. Wendell came along eight years after it seemed the family was already complete. He is...
The Danger of the Rear View Mirror
Today is National Backward Day, which sounds completely made up but has an actual history that dates back to the Romans. I can see where it would be fun to celebrate this day. Eat dessert first, for instance. I am not, however, wearing my shirt backward or my...