The Best Part of Christmas

This is the week that some of us are feeling a little stress about bringing the magic on Christmas morning. Maybe we didn’t buy socks and underwear, but we aren’t wrapping iPhones or hiding Christmas puppies, either. Sometimes, the gifts just don’t...

This is Dedicated to the Ones We Love – and Lost

Last year, I couldn’t even bear to put out a picture of my dad at Christmastime. And the first week of the month reminded me how much I missed my mother-in-law. The cold, grey days brought back memories of a cemetery sixteen years ago and of a grandbaby ushered...

What I Remember

I’m sure the water was cold, but I don’t remember that. I remember soft snowflakes on my face as my grandfather prayed. I remember the sound of “Amazing Grace” coming from the small congregation on the pond bank. I remember the heavy quilt they...

Why I Bought Candy for Halloween

For some of us, Halloween brings up wonderful memories filled with family, friends, community, candy, and fun. Others feel the night came straight from the devil and cannot be redeemed. I’m not trying to start a fight, nor join one. I am merely saying any night...

How do You Measure Success?

  Ask any mother of a newborn and she will tell you success is getting a shower more than once a week. Ask one of the female astronauts scheduled for a spacewalk at the International Space Station this month and we might get a different answer. (Not dropping the...

Dear Ten-Year-Old-Me

“Dear Ten-Year-Old-me, You are writing books!!” I recently read that our futures are often decided when we are ten-years-old. Our interests, skills, and dreams at age ten often materialize into career choices and life decisions. This seems about right. At...