
Kathy Nickerson

Author, Speaker, and Eternal Optimist

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you find something here that will encourage you in your faith, family, friendships, and fun.

My Books

The Secret of Serendipity

Serendipity is a delicious word. Do you know what it means? More importantly, do you have it? Kara Jane…

The Marvel House

In her seventy-fifth autumn, Madge DuPree blusters into the Marvel House like a crotchety Mary Poppins… 

30 Days to Glory

This is the story of Catherine Benson who longs to do One Great Thing before she dies and Elmer Grigsby who…

Rose Hill Cottage

After the death of her young husband, best-selling novelist Nora Kimble escapes New York for a summer…

About Me

Kathy Nickerson

I am loving my new home in Nebraska, where I live with my handsome husband of fifty years. We are the parents of four children who grew up to become our best friends and who have given us seventeen grandchildren, so far. My eternal optimism comes from my mother, The Nicest Woman on Earth, and from a deep faith in the God who made Light to shine from darkness.

My articles have appeared in several magazines and my books are available at Amazon.com, from this website, or by contacting me for a book event. Sign up for my email list so we can stay in touch.

On Behalf of a Grateful Nation

Veteran's Day. Armistice Day. Choose your title for these 24 hours where we honor those who have sacrificed so much for our nation. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and women, guardsmen and women, and marines. Plus the family members they left behind. Sometimes forever....

The Real Lovers’ Leap

  Grandpa Jim sat at the lunch table with us at the local café one afternoon. He had lost his sweet wife not long before, and the sadness still showed in his smile. But, that day, he told us he was thinking of paying a call on a widow in our community. His eyes...

Rolling Back Time

The first Saturday night in November is traditionally something of a party. We stay up a smidgen later, because we know the clock will roll back at 2:00am, and everyone will get an extra hour of sleep. Unless you have small children who will now rise at 4:00am. Or...