The Right Road

The Right Road

These men turn from the right way to walk down dark paths. They take pleasure in doing wrong, and they enjoy the twisted ways of evil. Their actions are crooked, and their ways are wrong. Follow the steps of good men instead, and stay on the paths of the righteous....


I went to school a long time ago. It was before computers, or cell phones, or calculators. Wendell and I actually took out a bank loan to buy his first calculator for college in the 1970’s. It cost $300, and you can buy a similar model for five bucks at WalMart...


The noon whistle still blows each day in my hometown. When I was a child, it was my grandfather’s job to blow the whistle from the back room of his store. Of course, he didn’t actually blow anything. He just flipped a switch and the horn sounded out across town...


We lost money when we sold the house. Lots of money. More than one year of my salary, in fact. Yet it isn’t the money I regret. I miss the house.   My sensible husband reminds me we took with us all the things that matter. Even if my stash of photographs fade...


Once upon a time, people lived in a perfect world. (for real) Imagine a wonderful moment from your life. Any moment will do. The Christmas when you were six and Santa brought that blue bicycle instead of socks and underwear, for instance. Or maybe that Tuesday evening...