Original artwork by Becky West

About a dozen years ago, I attended a writers’s conference in Kansas City. One day I stood in the lunch line with a nice lady, and we discussed the weather. Heavy rain and flooding, if I remember correctly. Somewhere along the way, she mentioned being an acquisitions editor, and I mentioned being an unpublished novelist.

“Send me your novel,” she said. “I’ll take a look.”

Two Octobers later, Thirty Days to Glory was born. The novel has been on quite a journey in the ten years since, including a face-lift a few years ago. I had no idea Elmer Grigsby and his cat (pictured here) would insist on more than one book to tell their story. And, I had no clue how fun and challenging the Glory Circle sisters would be on our writing journey.

I’m so grateful to everyone at Heart of America Christian Writer’s Network for hosting these conferences. To all the editors, agents, authors, and book world professionals who have taught and poured into my life. To Pamela, who has gone onto glory, and to Cross River Media for giving me a start in the wide world of book publishing.

Mostly, I’m grateful to God for teaching me to make every moment count. Even the ones spent standing in a lunch line waiting for a bowl of chili. Anything is possible with God.

(P.S. If you want to join me at the HACWN conference this year, check out the information here.)

(P.S.S. Yes, I’m still writing books. Find the current list here.)