Kathy Nickerson
Author, Speaker, and Eternal Optimist
Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you find something here that will encourage you in your faith, family, friendships, and fun.
My Books
The Secret of Serendipity
Serendipity is a delicious word. Do you know what it means? More importantly, do you have it? Kara Jane…
The Marvel House
In her seventy-fifth autumn, Madge DuPree blusters into the Marvel House like a crotchety Mary Poppins…
30 Days to Glory
This is the story of Catherine Benson who longs to do One Great Thing before she dies and Elmer Grigsby who…
Rose Hill Cottage
After the death of her young husband, best-selling novelist Nora Kimble escapes New York for a summer…

About Me
Kathy Nickerson
I am loving my new home in Nebraska, where I live with my handsome husband of fifty years. We are the parents of four children who grew up to become our best friends and who have given us seventeen grandchildren, so far. My eternal optimism comes from my mother, The Nicest Woman on Earth, and from a deep faith in the God who made Light to shine from darkness.
My articles have appeared in several magazines and my books are available at Amazon.com, from this website, or by contacting me for a book event. Sign up for my email list so we can stay in touch.
This is Not a Food Blog
I asked our fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Violet, if she thought blogs were dead. She said, "Well, I know in food blogs, I just scroll on by all their life stories. I only want the recipe." Then she smiled, "I guess you probably aren't writing a food blog." She...
How to Be More Jolly
Here is my one life hack for how to be more jolly and less bah-humbugy this year. Get ready; it's a biggie. Turn off the news. Scroll right past the headlines. Or, if you really want to break the cycle, unfollow every news outlet for the next thirty days. You might...
The Eleventh Hour
On the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month of 1918, the Allies of World War I signed an armistice with Germany. The document called for the "cessation of hostilities." Forty-some years later, my brother was born on the same date. Our paternal...