Three Ways to Make August Better

August has never been my favorite month. It is sort of like the Tuesday of the year. No holidays. Too late in the summer to actually schedule a vacation. Often scorching hot where we live. Grass turns brown. And dusty. But the leaves haven’t begun to dazzle yet....

The Power of Sisters

This Sunday is National Sister Day. I’m glad someone came up with that, because sisterhood is a powerful force. Our mother was an only child, and she often told us that she used to wonder what it would be like to have a sister. Fortunately, she also set the...

Celebrate Your Gorgeous Grandma

Hey, you guys, someone officially named today National Gorgeous Grandma Day. I love this for many reasons. Here are my top three. I share our 16 grandchildren with five of the most gorgeous grandmothers God ever created. Shout out and love to Jane, Cheri, Joyce, Nita,...

Let’s Celebrate the Sweet Life

July is National Ice Cream Month. That is the kind of news we need right now, people. And, this isn’t one of those made-up-by-the-calendar-company holidays. Although, I celebrate most of those, too. This one was officially sanctioned by President Ronald Reagan...

Why Bruno the Bear Makes Us Happy

Bruno isn’t his real name. And the Illinois cornfields are not his natural home. Bruno showed up in late June, wandering south in farm country. Experts assume he is on a trek for a mate. Black bears have not lived in this part of the Midwest since the...