by Kathy Nickerson | May 21, 2020 | family, Friendship
Human beings are hard-wired for touching one another. According to science, touch is the first of our senses to develop. Plus, the human touch releases a feel-good hormone in our brain. That is why a good snuggle at the end of a long day can wash away all the stress...
by Kathy Nickerson | May 20, 2020 | mercy
Daily life is hard work right now. Just going to the grocery store wears me out! One author describes this as moral fatigue. A simple trip to get breakfast supplies becomes a series of life-threatening decisions. Wear a mask? No mask? Gloves? How many cartons of eggs...
by Kathy Nickerson | May 15, 2020 | family, Friendship, happy endings, mercy
Here are some things I miss during this Covid-19 shut-down. Not in order of importance, or the alphabet, or union rules. Just scattered. Like my brain in isolation. I Miss Haircuts. This photo was taken a couple of years ago when I had just stepped outside from a...
by Kathy Nickerson | May 12, 2020 | family, mercy, work, writing
I’ve been trying to write this blog post all morning, but four baby squirrels are playing tag outside my window. I had to watch them. Then I had to research squirrel family interactions. Afterwards, I had to plot out a few points for the children’s book I...
by Kathy Nickerson | May 6, 2020 | mercy
Compromise in marriage is an art form. Sometimes it’s a Picasso, filled with sharp lines and strange shapes as we try to create a life together. Eventually, though, a Rembrandt starts to emerge. Softer lines. Mellow light. Deeper beauty. I’m not an art...