Why I Fed the Cat

Why I Fed the Cat

This is Clementine. Clem for short. He is not my cat. Clementine showed up during CousinsCamp19. My longsuffering husband had just helped me haul ten grandchildren on a six-hour trip from their home to ours. Then we were joined by a local grandson plus a few drop-in...

How Unpacking a Box Changed my Perspective

Last week I got a little cranky, because, although we are living with this beautiful space:             We are also living with this not-so-beautiful-and-totally-dusty space. Some days I’m patient with the renovation process. Some...
We Bought a Tractor

We Bought a Tractor

  It is a tiny tractor, on the scale of things, but big enough to make our grandsons think we own the world. Here is the thing: I did not know we needed a tractor. In all of our forty-five years together, I don’t remember my handsome husband ever saying,...