Easter, Passover, and Dolly Parton.

Can you imagine the first Passover? The Death Angel flying through the land, taking every firstborn male from the cattle in the pen to the son of Pharaoh in the palace. Mothers crying. Fathers cursing. And, the eldest son of every Hebrew family quivering in a corner...

What I’m Getting for Lent

Yes, I know. People give up things for Lent. We get things at Christmas. (Although, ’tis better to give, as they say.)  I don’t attend a liturgical church (such as the one led by our dear Father Mike.) Our congregation doesn’t observe a formal Lenten...

How to Survive Transition

A woman in labor hits a stage called transition. For me, two things generally happened at that point. I decided to go home and do this thing another day. And, something supernatural kicked in to stop me from leaving. Sort of like motherhood anesthesia. I still felt...

The Part I Play

Hello, Dear Reader. If you know me at all, you are probably laughing at this picture of me wearing a hair net and posing in a commercial kitchen. Or, in any kitchen, for that matter. My newfound freedom from the Day Job has made me a little reckless. (I’m still...

Why We Need a National Mama

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: We need a new cabinet-level position in the United States: National Mama. She could start by sending all party leaders to their rooms with no supper – and NO electronic devices – until they decide to...