How to Start Small as a Writer and Dream Big

  In this edition of the Wednesday Writer, we will look at some places you can actually start publishing your work. Before you tackle a 75,000 word novel, exercise your skills and improve your craft with some of these ideas. Some writers say you should never give...

If I’m Writing, Who is Reading?

      On today’s Writer Wednesday, I’m talking about audience. If you don’t want anyone to read your work, you probably aren’t ready to be an author. Keep on being a writer, though, tucking your poetry and prose away inside a...

Three Secrets for Surviving Change

  Happy Graduation Season! Mothers everywhere are trying not to cry while baby-adults are throwing off caps and dashing into the great unknown. Wendell and I have attended lots of graduations in our life together. But, this week, we enter a whole new phase with...

How Do I Learn to Write?

Welcome to The Wednesday Writer edition of my blog. I’ll attempt to answer some of the questions readers ask about the writing process in general and writing for publication, specifically.  I might own a pair of scissors, and I might like to snip away at things,...

Good News for Young Couples

Forty-four years ago this evening, I walked down the red-carpeted aisle of a Methodist church to marry the man of my dreams. And, of course, you know what happened next. Babies, bills, breakdowns, and breakthroughs. All the stuff of life. Since we started out together...