My Blog

A Prayer for Packing Away Christmas

It is almost time to pack away the tinsel, lights, baubles, and bits. Before they go, I want to offer one final prayer of Thanksgiving for Christmas 2023. Our Most Kind and Gracious Heavenly Father, Thank you for another Christmas season. For Joseph and Mary who heard...

In Case Your Christmas is Blue

I love Christmas, and I'm sure to be posting a whole lot of happy in the next couple of weeks. However, I'm aware this is the most dismal time of the year for many folks. I'm not trying to rub merry-everything in your face. I also understand that whether you are...

It’s Okay to Change a Tradition

I love a good Norman Rockwell setting, and I am all about the holidays. But, I also like things simple. And quiet. And peaceful. So, I have changed up our traditions quite a lot through the years. And you can, too! The weight is on my generation right now. We are the...

Never Underestimate the Lunch Line

Never Underestimate the Lunch Line

About a dozen years ago, I attended a writers's conference in Kansas City. One day I stood in the lunch line with a nice lady, and we discussed the weather. Heavy rain and flooding, if I remember correctly. Somewhere along the way, she mentioned being an acquisitions...

It’s Not Quite Hobby Lobby

When I walk through the front door of a Hobby Lobby, I suddenly want to live inside the store. Or, at least transport major sections to my own living quarters so I can have the same delicious feel. But, I learned long ago that even if I carted home twenty-five boxes...

We Haven’t Read the Last Page Yet

Once upon a time, somebody got the ending wrong. When my first novel was released, I did a blog tour where a bunch of generous people reviewed my book or interviewed me. It was loads of fun. Except for this one blogger. She evidently needed to rush to press. After a...