First and Forever Friends

A First-and-Forever Friend is a rare human in this big world. Almost like a unicorn. And, I have one. I grew up in farm country and went to a small school. My graduating class had twenty-eight students, and most of us had been together since first grade. I’m...

Coffee on Cleaveland Street

I promised my new neighbors they would not become characters in my next book. I didn’t promise not to talk about them on my blog. My husband, Wendell, and I have moved to a new town – a tiny town with around 500 people. This fits us nicely, but it does...

How Yesterday is Like Tomorrow

Possible Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t seen the recent movie, “Yesterday”, I don’t think I’m giving away any spoilers. However, if you are dying to see it and just haven’t gone yet, bookmark this post. Then come back after you see...

Easter, Passover, and Dolly Parton.

Can you imagine the first Passover? The Death Angel flying through the land, taking every firstborn male from the cattle in the pen to the son of Pharaoh in the palace. Mothers crying. Fathers cursing. And, the eldest son of every Hebrew family quivering in a corner...

What I’m Getting for Lent

Yes, I know. People give up things for Lent. We get things at Christmas. (Although, ’tis better to give, as they say.)  I don’t attend a liturgical church (such as the one led by our dear Father Mike.) Our congregation doesn’t observe a formal Lenten...