Getting by with a Little Help from My Friends

Daily life is hard work right now. Just going to the grocery store wears me out! One author describes this as moral fatigue. A simple trip to get breakfast supplies becomes a series of life-threatening decisions. Wear a mask? No mask? Gloves? How many cartons of eggs...

Things I Miss

Here are some things I miss during this Covid-19 shut-down. Not in order of importance, or the alphabet, or union rules. Just scattered. Like my brain in isolation. I Miss Haircuts. This photo was taken a couple of years ago when I had just stepped outside from a...

Just Do the Next Thing

I’ve been trying to write this blog post all morning, but four baby squirrels are playing tag outside my window. I had to watch them. Then I had to research squirrel family interactions. Afterwards, I had to plot out a few points for the children’s book I...

The Art of Compromise

Compromise in marriage is an art form. Sometimes it’s a Picasso, filled with sharp lines and strange shapes as we try to create a life together. Eventually, though, a Rembrandt starts to emerge. Softer lines. Mellow light. Deeper beauty. I’m not an art...

How to Keep from Freaking Out

As we shuffle our way into week #6 of isolation, self-distancing, and tragic news every hour, I’m occasionally tempted to freak out. Positive self-talk helps me. Especially this ancient advice from Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. He told the folks...

What We Will Keep

  In the Book of Psalms, some phrases are followed by the word, “Selah.” Although the exact meaning of the word has been lost, most scholars think it indicates a pause, like a rest in a musical score. It would seem that much of our world is tasting a...