by Kathy Nickerson | Apr 3, 2020 | Featured Work, Friendship, happy endings, mercy, writing
Judy C. Harvey is the debut author of Angel Wings, a story of hope and friendship in a new season of life. She is also my First and Forever friend. (She shows up in all my novels. Especially in that line from The Marvel House.) We have been friends since before we...
by Kathy Nickerson | Mar 23, 2020 | mercy
While we are all taking care of one another by staying home, I’m recording some virtual conversations in my kitchen. They are short. You won’t have time for a full cup of coffee, but you might get a sip of hope and encouragement. Drop by my Facebook Author...
by Kathy Nickerson | Mar 19, 2020 | family, happy endings, mercy
Yesterday afternoon, I drove an hour to a grocery store that offered curbside pickup. I wouldn’t have to get within six feet of anyone! Unfortunately, they were out of some of the important stuff. Today, I took advantage of early-morning Old Lady Hour at our...
by Kathy Nickerson | Mar 16, 2020 | mercy
So, here we are, Dear Reader, in a New Normal. Mine is quite silent, with no human interaction for about twelve hours a day. I had already become accustomed to that with our job changes this year, and I mostly love it. Especially since I knew I could always pop into...
by Kathy Nickerson | Mar 13, 2020 | happy endings, mercy
It’s Happy St. Patrick’s Day next week. If you think this day is about drinking green beer and eating corned beef and cabbage, you may have missed a few details. The story begins when sixteen-year-old Patrick was captured from his father’s farm in Britain...
by Kathy Nickerson | Mar 5, 2020 | mercy
Death is wrong. I don’t know if you realize that, Dear Reader. But in the beginning, there was God. And He intended for us to live forever. Perfectly in love with Him. Perfectly in harmony with one another and the world. That didn’t work out, of course. We...