Help from Haggai

Sometimes (Okay, lots of times) I worry that I haven’t done enough as a writer. That by this season of life I should have written several novels of enduring value. Or at least a few dozen more magazine articles. I wonder if my piddly contribution to the vast...

Let Us Pray

I tried to count how many times I’ve heard that phrase in my lifetime, but I got lost trying to cover this year. We make this statement at the end of church services, weddings, funerals, and graduations from Christians schools. We use it to quiet the family...

Pleasant Places

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places… Psalm 16:6. King David wrote those words, but we don’t know when. Maybe when he was a shepherd boy fighting lions and bears or when he was composing worship songs on his harp. Maybe when he was a...

Miracle Moments

I love thinking about the things Jesus did the week before He died. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The cleansing of the Temple. The Last Supper, the prayer in Gethsemane, and the  trial before Pilate.  In retrospect, we know those were epic moments. But  at the...

Google Gets It Wrong

What is it about my online presence that makes Google Ads think I need a man?! I understand these targeted advertisements:”Become a Bestselling Author Today for Free!” or “Visit Omaha, Nebraska, the Vacation Capital of the World!” Or, even:...

People are the Point

I always think of the Book of Romans in the Bible as a great resource for sound doctrine. The apostle Paul outlines the doctrine of the Kingdom in such clear terms in this book. And I love so many of those passages. It is also a heavy book. Deep and many-layered....