Five Prayers for Pandemic Life

In case you are having trouble settling your mind for prayer these days, here are a few of my standbys: 6:00 am – Please Please be the light that shines upon my path, because this bedroom is still dark. The world is scary and loud. Every tiny decision has become...

We Still Look for Helpers

On this anniversary of 9/11, I can only look at so many heartbreaking images again before I have to pull on my soft sweater, change into my sneakers, and think about this perfect advice from Mr. Rogers: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,...

Happy Old Lady Day

 I became a fan of senior citizens long before I joined the club. The sweet old church ladies that we referred to as Aunts always intrigued me. Their wit and wisdom. Their grey hair that shimmered to blue. Their bright red lipstick, fancy handkerchiefs, and soft Avon...

How Ritual is Saving the Day

Rituals have been saving my life during this pandemic. Or, at least my state of mind. I’m not talking religious rituals or anything weird. I mean the ritual of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and applying my various creams in exactly the same order every...