Going Toward the Light

Right now, every decision in our lives is based on weighing the risk factor. We are all tired of isolation, of illness, of bad news and deadly predictions. We just want it to be over! Yet, the virus remains. Recently, I made what we considered an essential trip out of...

Another Kind of Privilege

I know I am privileged beyond measure for many reasons. I hope I don’t take any of that for granted, nor that I squander it or fail to use it to make the world a better place. Today, I’m reminded of what a privilege I have in the father department. Fathers...

Waving My Lantern Over Here

  Decades ago, I read a pioneer story about a wife and mother on the lonely prairie, miles away from the closest neighbor. I think it was the novel, “Lantern in Her Hand” by Bess Streeter Aldrich, but I couldn’t find the exact scene today when I...

Making the Best of Things

                        The picture on your left is what Cousins Camp should look like at our house. A mass of grandchildren and assorted relatives bunking together at our place for several days each summer....

Thank God for the Little Ships

This week marks the 80th anniversary of the miracle rescue at Dunkirk. Starting on May 26th in 1940, hundreds of thousands of allied troops struggled to the shore near Dunkirk in northern France. They were caught between the water and the enemy who was fast...