My Blog
No One is Ordinary
Our three-year-old granddaughter saw a framed photo of my husband and me this week. "Oh," she said, "It's Sheriff Grandpa and Princess Grandma." Neither of us is wearing the appropriate attire for those titles. The only time she's seen Gramps in his Deputy Sheriff...
Something We All Need
Today, I told our granddaughter, Langley, that Gramps and I have to go pick up 61 boxes of flooring and then get them unloaded into our new house. She is an exceptionally wise three-year-old and is always looking for ways to help. I told her the boxes would be too...
Our Forever Home (It’s not what you think)
This morning's social media tour is bringing up loads of pictures from the summer Homecoming celebration in the little community where I was born and raised. We had 28 people in our graduating class, and most of us had been together for twelve years or longer. I...
Only Yesterday …
This weekend, our two oldest grandsons led the way for several years of college graduations in our family. (Nod to the grandson who may become a chef and open an eatery on the beach. We will celebrate with equal vigor.) Seeing these men in all their finery, with...
With All My Worldly Goods I Thee Endow
"With all my worldly goods I Thee endow." Back in the day, that phrase was part of the exchange of rings and vows in a wedding ceremony. I don't think people say it much anymore. It has been on my mind as Wendell and I sort through an accumulation of stuff before our...
Four Ways to Make a Big Decision
My husband retired recently, and this new season has brought along several big decisions. Where shall we live out our golden years? Should we pursue second careers? Which Medicare Part D plan is best? Can we get a dog now? I'm sure you face similar questions in life....