Why We Are Friends

Judy and I have been friends for more than sixty years. And this picture explains why. This is Judy’s mom (with her sweet smile) hugging my mom at a 40th wedding anniversary celebration. We surprised my parents that evening. All the family, friends, and...

Someday, We can touch again.

Human beings are hard-wired for touching one another. According to science, touch is the first of our senses to develop. Plus, the human touch releases a feel-good hormone in our brain. That is why a good snuggle at the end of a long day can wash away all the stress...

Things I Miss

Here are some things I miss during this Covid-19 shut-down. Not in order of importance, or the alphabet, or union rules. Just scattered. Like my brain in isolation. I Miss Haircuts. This photo was taken a couple of years ago when I had just stepped outside from a...

What We Will Keep

  In the Book of Psalms, some phrases are followed by the word, “Selah.” Although the exact meaning of the word has been lost, most scholars think it indicates a pause, like a rest in a musical score. It would seem that much of our world is tasting a...

First and Forever Friends

A First-and-Forever Friend is a rare human in this big world. Almost like a unicorn. And, I have one. I grew up in farm country and went to a small school. My graduating class had twenty-eight students, and most of us had been together since first grade. I’m...